Don't forget to visit b.vikki vintage on Etsy!
I almost hate to show these garments hanging as if in effigy... limp and lifeless... from a hanger in my dining room!
But alas! Here's a piece from the launch of b.vikki vintage:
I love this cap sleeved cream shift dress. It looks fair on a hanger, but on a real woman, I just KNOW it will come to life. And notice the scalloped Peter Pan collar. On the latest episode of Mad Men, "Souvenir", Betty Draper wore a pink wool suit with the same collar style! And the costumes on Mad Men are nothing if not authentic to the era. Right now, the show is in 1963; the design of this little cream dress is pitch perfect! That bow is darling, no?
I can't wait to get this on a model! So many of the applicants are STUNNING I don't know how I'll ever select the two I'll use... and that's not to say I won't rotate in the future. Every dress is so different and must be showcased on the model whose look it best complements. That said, I can't use a different model for every dress because I'm paying them in dresses and would have no dresses left to sell!
Don't forget to visit b.vikki vintage on Etsy!
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