Don't forget to visit b.vikki vintage on Etsy!
The past two days have been intense for b.vikki vintage! I noticed an exponential up-tick in my Google Analytics on Wednesday and woke Thursday morning to a prominent feature on, a site I read frequently (Who am I kidding? I'm a starred commenter. I love Jezebel!).
The feature, written by Racialicious' Latoya Peterson, came as a complete surprise to me. I never contacted Jezebel, so for them to have found my blog was truly fortunate and a blessing.
Other good news:
I've been contacted for several interviews... which I'm wary about (but for which I am immensely grateful), as I've done my best to expunge every picture of myself from the internet - and there were LOTS from my public relations days.
I've teamed up with Leila from (formerly to do a "Vintage Natural" feature that should go up approximately once a week. The posts will feature women from the 1920s-1960s with natural hair, their stories, their pictures, articles and more. I've loved BGLH for a long time now (I'm a naturally curly girl - almost 9 years since), so this is all very exciting.
African American Brides has linked to my Vintage Black Weddings posts and I couldn't be more thrilled. I contacted Erica, one of the site's wonderful writers, a few days ago, and I'm so happy she liked the blog!
Scratch from - a sketch blog - has created this amazing vintage-inspired illustration based on b.vikki vintage posts. I love comics and I love vintage, so this is right up my alley. Any converging of the two is a welcome treat. The hair and the dress are pitch perfect.
And I have to thank all of the other blogs that have linked to or posted about b.vikki vintage in the past month and a half.
EDIT/UPDATE: b.vikki vintage has just been hand-selected by the Blogger staff as a Blog of Note! I DIE! (no Rachel Zoe!)
Not trying to be weirdly self-congratulatory or hyper-meta or anything like that... but, I think it would've been weirder if I didn't mention this stuff..... soooo......
Don't forget to visit b.vikki vintage on Etsy!
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