Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why Do Fools Fall In Love?

Don't forget to visit b.vikki vintage on Etsy!

Lela Rochon in a powder blue embroidered turtleneck sweater, white gloves, and a white pillbox hat!

Good question. One to which I certainly don't have an answer. But that's neither here nor there. This post is about the eponymous 1998 film starring Lorenz Tate, Halle Berry, Vivica A. Fox, and Lela Rochon.

This true story of the talented (and philandering) Frankie Lymon spans the 1950s and 1960s - making it a perfect fit for b.vikki vintage.

Trailer, screencaps, and promotional photos ahead.

Halle Berry looks AMAZING in vintage silhouettes, doesn't she? I may feature her turn as Dorothy Dandridge later.

I spy an adorable mint green scooter dress!

Don't forget to visit b.vikki vintage on Etsy!

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