Monday, November 2, 2009

Chicago Public Schools in the 1950s & 1960s

Don't forget to visit b.vikki vintage on Etsy!

I went to Chicago Public Schools for 12 years, from first grade orientation in 1993 to the day of my high school graduation in 2005. So, CPS hold a special place in my heart.

These photos from Chicago Public Schools in the 1960s are great! (taken from

Raymond Faculty - 1967
A singing group - The Mortels - comprised of CPS students in 1958

Mrs. Lucille Singley
Dunlap/Raymond teacher from 1941-1969

The best things about these photos is that these adorable children are now parents and grandparents! It boggles the mind.

Gillespie - 1963

Fiske Springfield field trip -1960

Fiske 1959

Mrs. Lucille - Dunlap - 1964

Avalon Park - 1968


Gresham - 1966


Fiske field trip in 1961

I have more vintage Chicago posts coming up...

Don't forget to visit b.vikki vintage on Etsy!

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